Going Online

Going Online

When Copper + Straw opened its doors back in December 2018, having a website was so far down our list of priorities. Come to think of it, the whole idea of being ‘online’ was a frivolous luxury that we’d probably get to, somewhere towards the end of our 5 year plan.

And here we are, just over two and a half years later, and how everything has changed. The gap between a brick and mortar, and an online business has disappeared. Although it hasn’t been easy, it hasn’t been as catastrophic as many of us feared. Within days of lockdowns a restrictions being announced, the yoga community were first out of the gate to embrace new technologies. A trend that thankfully saved many businesses that had previously assumed it impossible to continue without a having steady stream of people coming through their front door.

A huge incentive for many was the online trading grants offered through Local Enterprise Offices throughout the country. Something which we took advantage of as soon as we could. The benefits of having an online presence is obvious to us now, but it wasn’t at the time. What was abundantly clear, however, was that change was at our doorstep. It had arrived at such an accelerated rate that our options were to either embrace it - or watch it disappear into the sunset, leaving us to feel sorry for ourselves.

The process involved in ‘getting online’ is something we’ll come back to another day, but it has been a journey that has fundamentally changed our business, our brand, and how we collaborate. It has awakened our creativity, and lit a fire under our ambitions. And we can’t wait to share it.