

You might notice how our level of our geekiness behind the bar significantly increases when new microlots come in. There's lots of jumping around, the inner coffee nerd inside us goes into overdrive and we have all sorts of mad conversations about origins, varieties, processes and flavour profiles.

So, what’s so special about microlots? Put simply, microlots are special lots of coffee that are typically harvested in small batches from a single area of a farm with optimum growing conditions. They are grown, picked and processed entirely separately to the rest of the farm's lots to amplify their special qualities.

Microlots are pretty exceptional coffees. They're seasonal and limited; each one is only available for a few weeks of the year.

Every 4-6 weeks, Bailies Coffee send us a list of new microlots, and the excitement builds. It gives us a chance to play around with different recipes and different brewing methods, and that’s where the fun’s at. We all have our favourites, and it’s hard to say goodbye to the ones we love, but we know that in another few weeks there'll be another new microlot on the block to get our taste buds - and the coffee nerd within us - tingling all over again.